Sunday, January 11, 2009


The time that I am setting my story at is in the 1820's. I chose this time period because two out of the four of my main characters are born in the 1820's. This time period involved slavery a lot, which my story is about.

Here is an example of traditional men's clothing from the 1800's:

Here is an example of the styles of men and women's clothing in the time period of the 1800's:

A traditional horse drawn carriage was one of the most common types of transportation in the early 1800's:

This is a picture of the president who was in office at the time of the birth of my main character(left), and this is a picture of the president who was in office at the time when I am going to have my character plan her escape to freedom(right):
James Monroe (1817-1825) Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)

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